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Deprecation policy


Deprecation policy of Prophetverse takes place for versions >=0.4.0.


Prophetverse follows the Semantic Versioning scheme, which means that the version number is composed of three parts: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. However, we do not plan to release any MAJOR version until a large user base is built and the library is considered stable.

How breaking changes in Prophetverse API are released

Breaking changes and deprecations are released in a two-step process:

  1. A new minor version is released with warnings to inform the users about the upcoming breaking changes. A FutureWarning is used to indicate the version in which the change will be efective.
  2. The next minor version is released with the breaking changes and the deprecations are removed.

For example, if we are in version 0.4.0 and a breaking change is introduced to enhance user experience, version 0.5.0 will keep the behaviour of 0.4.0 but will be released with a FutureWarning. 0.6.0 will be released with the breaking change and the warning will be removed.

We will try to follow this policy as much as possible, but there may be cases where we need to make exceptions. In any case, we will always try to minimize the impact on the users. The larger the user base, the more we will try to avoid breaking changes. If any change affects your code, please let us know and we will do our best to help you.